
Cinchona Tincture (48 servings)
D3 5000IU (120 ct.)
Super Zinc (120 ct.)
Buffered C Plus (120 ct.)

Retail Price if purchased separately: $153.00


Cinchona Tincture
48 servings
D3 5000 IU
120 ct
Super Zinc
120 ct
Buffered C Plus
120 ct
Subscribe and save an extra $14.00/mo!

Savings based on 30 day auto-ship program of included products. The AutoShip Program is subject to the AutoShip Terms and Conditions. Cancel any time. Please allow up to 24 hours for any modifications to be processed.

How does the Immune System Work?

The immune system is designed to protect the body from infectious germs by identifying and destroying harmful microorganisms. The immune system also builds immunity so that when the body encounters certain invading germs again, it can fight them faster the next time around. 

White blood cells (Leukocytes) are the cornerstone of the immune system. There are a variety of types of leukocytes, each with unique features that work together to protect the body from infections. 

There are many ways to help boost the immune system naturally. Following a diet rich in antioxidants is essential to supporting your immune system. Antioxidants combat free radicals – chemical byproducts known to damage DNA and suppress the immune system. Antioxidants are found in many fruits such as plums, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, goji berries, cranberries, and vegetables such as artichokes, kale, cauliflower, red cabbage, orange bell pepper, beets, and sundried tomatoes. Other good sources of antioxidants include nuts and seeds, beans, dark chocolate, and coffee. For an additional immune boost, add garlic (shown to have bacteria-killing properties) and ginger (a natural anti-inflammatory) to your meals on a regular basis. 

In addition to diet, exercise, adequate sleep, and reducing stress are effective ways of keeping your immune system balanced and in check. 

Coach Robb only recommends taking supplements when you are not getting enough of the necessary vitamins and minerals found in real food.

The Anti-Virus/Travel Bundle Includes:

Cinchona Tincture

D3 5000 IU

Super Zinc

Buffered C Plus