
Super Cal Plus (120 tablets)
Super K2+ (120 ct.)
Super Creatine (30 servings)
Frontier BCAA’s (30 servings)

Retail Price if purchased separately: $258.50


Super Cal Plus
(120 tablets)
Super K2 Plus
(120 ct)
Super Creatine
(30 servings)
Frontier BCAA's
(30 servings)
Subscribe and save an extra $24.00/mo!

Savings based on 30 day auto-ship program of included products. The AutoShip Program is subject to the AutoShip Terms and Conditions. Cancel any time. Please allow up to 24 hours for any modifications to be processed.

While incurring a broken bone is often inconvenient, the good news is that broken bones are natural healers, meaning the body will naturally make new cells and blood vessels at the break. To help speed up the healing process, proper nutrition is necessary.

Calcium and Vitamin D are the keystones to rebuilding and maintaining strong bones. Adequate amounts of calcium are necessary for bone remodeling, the continuous process the bones go through to break down old bone and redeposit calcium to build new bone – a process that is crucial to healing after a bone injury. Vitamin D facilitates the absorption of Calcium which speeds up bone rejuvenation, along with strengthening bones and teeth.

In addition to Calcium and Vitamin D, the following nutrients found in food will facilitate the recovery process associated with a broken bone.

  • Arginine – This amino acid is needed to produce a fracture healing compound known as nitric oxide. Sources: Free-range meat, organic dairy, raw nuts, oatmeal
  • Inositol – Like Vitamin D, Inositol helps improve the absorption of calcium to strengthen bones and teeth. Sources: Cantaloupe, grapefruit, prunes
  • Boron – This powerhouse helps increase both calcium and magnesium retention while increasing the effectiveness of Vitamin D. Sources: Raisins, prunes, Brazilian nuts, apples, bananas, celery, broccoli, chickpeas
  • Magnesium – Facilitates bone strength and firmness. Sources: Almonds, cashews, potato skins, brown rice, kidney beans, black-eyed peas, organic milk
  • Silicon – Critical element in the early stages of bone formation. Sources: Whole grains, carrots, green beans, red wine, beer, brown rice, barley, oats, raw nuts, seafood, organic meats
  • Vitamin K1 and K2 – Improves bone strength. Sources: Kale, spinach, broccoli, egg yolk, organic dairy, organic meats, prunes, kiwi, avocado, blackberry, blueberry, grapes, hard cheese, dark chicken meat, real butter
  • Vitamin C – Crucial for producing collagen, the most abundant type of protein in the human body that forms 90 percent of the matrix of your bones, according to the University of Washington. Sources: Bell peppers, citrus fruits, broccoli, strawberries, Brussel sprouts

Coach Robb only recommends taking supplements when you are not getting enough of the necessary vitamins and minerals found in real food. 

The Broken Bones Bundle Includes:

Super Cal Plus

Super K2 Plus

Super Kreatine

Frontier BCAA